Friday, February 11, 2005

North Korea

Let me see if I have this right.. Iraq, which didn't have nuclear weapons, didn't have biological weapons, didn't have chemical weapons, was invaded by the US because Iraq wouldn't meet its international obligations to get rid of its weapons of mass destruction.

North Korea has admitted to having nukes, refuses to meet an international obligations as laid out by the UN, but is in no danger of being invaded by the US.

Could it be that the US actaully knew Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction so thought it would be a cake walk? (Why else would Don Rumsfeld not plan for post-invasion, if Iraq wasn't going to be a cake walk?) What an easy way to secure vast oil fields and natural gas reserves, and get new military bases in the Middle East, than to invade a relatively defenseless country. Does North Korea have oil and gas reserves? No. So why invade? The US can use all the diplomatic means necessary to solve the problem. Apparently all the diplomatic means were successful in Iraq but someone forgot to tell George Bush.

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