Saturday, January 19, 2008

God's Grace

This is part of a paragraph is from a lesson about the early history of Israel on the Covenant Worldwide website.

God graciously preserved Noah and his family through the waters of the flood. God destroyed the whole world in the flood, but he preserved one family. He did this though He recognized that, according to Genesis 6:5, "Every inclination of the thoughts of [man's] heart was only evil all the time." That is a dramatic, general statement. We see further astonishing evidence of God's grace in His promise that He will never again destroy the earth with a flood -- though the condition of the human heart had not changed. That is quite remarkable!

Remarkable!?! How could anyone say this is remarkable?!. This is not evidence of god's grace. This genocide pure and simple. God destroys the whole word except for one man and his family and it is called this grace? What if Hitler had decided to spare one Jewish family from the Holocaust? Would that be evidence of Hitler's grace? How can you come to the conclusion that god is gracious when he just wiped out the entire population of the Earth except for Noah? I don't think the people who were killed in the flood think it was very gracious.

After the flood God says in 8:21, "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood (god created humans: every inclination of his heart is evil Isaiah 45:7). And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done." The flood did not solve the problem of human sin and wickedness. People were still born sinful (because that is how god created humans from the beginning). And yet God promises that graciously He will never again destroy the world in that way.

That is very nice of you god to say you will never again destroy the world but once a perpetrator of genocide, always a perpetrator. I believe you attempted genocide against the Egyptians, the Ammonites, and several other societies. The greatest mass murderer in history was not Hitler, Stalin, or Pol Pot, but the god of the bible. I would not characterize god as very gracious.

You create the world in your image, then destroy your creation, and then promise never to do it again, even though humans are sinful and wicked. If humans are wicked and sinful, it is because we learned it from the master. After all you created humans in your image. Thus your image must be one of evil, sin, and wickedness. "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." (Isaiah 45:7)

There is nothing gracious about god. He creates humans to be weak-minded fools who are expected to blindly follow his so-called teachings. When humans, that he created to be sinful and wicked, do something sinful and wicked he destroys the whole lot except for Noah. God creates evil, gets mad when humans do evil things and destroys the world. I wouldn't call god gracious.

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