Over the weekend the Congress in Washington got involved in something they had no business getting involved in. Congress passed a law and the President signed. The law is intended to keep Teri Schiavo alive. Even though her expressed wish, which was entered into evidence at trial, to not be kept alive with atrificial means. Congress has over stepped its authority in passing this law. The Framers of the Constitution created the separation of powers to keep Congress from doing what it did. The Judiciary is the only place where individual matters can be settled. Congress sets broad policy not individual policy. The Florida courts decided on 3 occasions that the feeding tube could be removed, yet on 2 occasions, the Florida State legislature and then the US Congress passed laws in the atteempt to stop Teri's wish from being fulfillled. This is blatant meddling. Fortunately the Florida Supreme Court declared the Florida law unconstitutional. Hopefully the Federal courts will declare the Federal law unconstitutional also.
The President and Congress both have said that Teri deserves to live yet they are ignoring her expressed wish. She told people on two occasions that she would not want a feeding tube. It is time to let this woman die with dignity.
There was a time when Republican thought the government should stay out of individual citizen's business. Yet here they are interfering with the wishes of this woman. President Bush rails against activist judges, yet when a judge consistently rules that the wish of the husband and Teri should be honored, he signs legislation put forth by an activist congress to prevent this.
The President says judges need to ere on the side of life, yet how many deathrow inmates did he put to death in Texas? Perhaps the President needs to ere on the side of life. How many US soldiers have died in Iraq? Did the President ere on the side of life when he didn't plan for post-war Iraq? It would seem the President only eres on the side of life when it is politically convenient for him to do so. Let's do away with abortion and stop the wishes of a person who said she would prefer to die, but let's keep the death penalty. Let's keep sending our young men and women to Iraq without proper equipment and training. The President is trying to have it both ways. He gives lipservice to life only when it is politically safe for him to do so. It is really too bad that 51% of the people who voted couldn't have ered on the side of common sense and voted for John Kerry.
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